By Project

We get it. In our work, some things have to get done. Maybe it’s an annual report you must submit to your funders.

Perhaps it’s a needs assessment that’s a requirement for your Head Start organization. Maybe your board of directors is asking for an updated strategic plan. 

Whatever project is next on your list, our team of #Transformers is ready to support you! We’ll help you improve your systems, report up-to-date data outcomes, grow your leaders, and engage your stakeholders.

Volunteer, team and people in nature for community service, teamwork and planning with leadership, goals and strategy. Senior person or leader for management in forest, park or eco friendly project
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Serving As Thought Leadership Partners to Address Top Community Issues


We work with you, your partners and our industry partners to identify what data and information is necessary to support your current and future goals.

We are your thought partner to help you explore an emerging issue, identify promising practices or launch a new initiative. You want to be thoughtful and strategic with your resources – time and money. We pull together and interpret the latest research and trends to understand the industry and make best practice-informed recommendations. We will summarize our findings in a final deliverable, such as a white paper report, case study profiling promising practices, or a slide deck to share internally or with potential partners. 



  • Community Needs Assessment
  • White Paper
  • Case Study
  • Stakeholder Feedback
  • Annual Report

Data Insights

Does your data make sense? Can you assess it to tell your story of impact?

We first determine what are the key questions you want to answer with your data. We then assess the data you have and how it is being collected across all of your different platforms, databases, systems and tools. We create best practices and work with your team so you can more efficiently collect, manage, and use data to work towards your overall organizational outcomes. We will help you make meaning of your data and organize it in a visually appealing way, so everyone on your team can use it to make informed decisions and tell your story of impact. We also expand the capacity of your team to complete program evaluations and data dashboards for your organization or community.



  • Data Audit Inventory
  • Data Management Plan
  • Logic Model
  • Program Evaluation 
  • Organization or Program Data Dashboard
  • Community Indicators Dashboard

“The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.”

Carly Fiorina

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Developing a Community Indicators Dashboard to Reflect New Vision and Direction

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Understanding the Feasibility of Converting an Old School Building into a Child Care Center

Program Feasibility

Do you want to launch a new program or expand existing services?

We know every new endeavor requires money, time, and resources. You might want to expand your current programs and services into a new geographic area, so you want to understand the gaps and opportunities in a new community. You may also want to launch into a new service market that is underserved. We’ll do the hard work for you! We will complete a community needs assessment to determine the need and demand for your new or existing program, gather stakeholder feedback, and put in a plan to make your endeavor financially sustainable.



  • Market Research Report
  • Program Feasibility Study Report
  • Financial Plan
  • Program Implementation Plan

Strategic Planning

Without a plan for the future, how do you know where you’re going?

We follow a four-step strategic planning process that brings your stakeholders along to build buy-in, uses data to inform the following steps, and ends with tangible tools and resources to guide your next steps. Through our custom strategic planning process that takes about 6-9 months, you will have a more engaged board and leadership team, learned insights about your organization and the community you serve and a new roadmap for the future.



  • Stakeholder Feedback Templates
  • Organization Assessment 
  • Landscape Analysis
  • Strategic Plan
  • One-Page, Public-Facing Strategic Plan Overview
  • Implementation Plan & Tracking Dashboard

“If you don’t know where you are going, how are you gonna’ know when you get there?”

Yogi Berra

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Creating a 5-Year Strategic Plan to Strengthen Small Businesses Across Indiana

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Increasing the Quality of Child Care Available Community-Wide Through Strategic Planning

Collective Impact

Do you have an issue that’s too big for your one organization to solve alone?

Why are some community collaboratives more effective? The fundamental driver of value is stakeholder relationships. Many times community collaboratives fail because there is no agreed upon process of engagement. We use a collective impact approach to bring together various stakeholders from different sectors to tackle your community’s challenges. We will move your community from isolated impact to collective impact. This will lead to a shared vision, combined with informed collaborative action, that results in meaningful, sustained impact.



  • Steering Committee Structure
  • Stakeholder Feedback
  • Community Needs Assessment
  • Aspirational Research and Site Visits
  • Plan of Catalytic Projects
  • Community Indicators Tracking
  • Backbone Support for Advisory Councils

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”

Margaret Wheatley

Leadership Development

Do you need strategies to evaluate and assess your leaders, teams, and organizational culture?

Our team is made up of former practitioners who have been in your shoes. We understand the challenges, constraints and stress you and your team are under.  We develop and support your leaders and teams. Our High-Performing Organizations Framework is designed to strengthen organizational culture and performance. We help you assess, define, and build a path for training and development for leaders, individuals, and teams through coaching, training, employee satisfaction assessments and work culture assessments.



  • Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Survey
  • Organizational Workplace Assessment
  • Individual Leadership Coaching
  • Tailored Team Engagement Workshops
  • Personality and Behavioral Assessment (DISC, Myers-Briggs, Strengthsfinder, etc.) and Analysis by Team and Role

79% of workers say company culture is important to job satisfaction.

75% of the time, people are quitting because of their managers.

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Strengthening Human Service Leaders to Improve Recruitment and Retention

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Diversifying Funding to Serve Out-Of-School-Time Teens

Fund Development

We know you need money to continue meeting the needs of the communities and individuals you serve. 

We help you diversify and increase your funding through pursuing a variety of strategies. We will complete funding analysis, solicit stakeholder feedback to inform fundraising opportunities, research industry trends and benchmark successful organizations, develop comprehensive, actionable fund development plans, and support every part of the grant writing process. Our team includes former fundraisers who have led successful campaigns and secured over $55 million in grant funding.



  • Funding Analysis & Audit
  • Case Statement
  • Fund Development Growth Plan
  • Grant Writing Support for Both Government & Foundation Grants
  • Program Briefs

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Data Informed Tool

Data-Informed Tools

Toolkits address the “why” of data.

Data Informed Tool

Data Dashboard Tools

It is still possible to meet your fundraising goals

Data Informed Tool

Strategic Planning Tools

We’ll work to identify the key stakeholders to inform your planning process.

Data Informed Tool

Evaluation Tools

How effective is your program? Is it working as intended?

Data Informed Tool

Fundraising Tools

With simple, practical tools, your team can diversify funding streams.

Data Informed Tool

Coalition Tools

Is your issue bigger than one organization can handle? A coalition may be the answer!