
Evansville, Indiana




Advance the Mission


Leadership Development

Welborn Baptist Foundation | Training Transformers

Client Needs

Welborn Baptist Foundation (WBF) seeks to help nonprofit organizations across 14 counties in Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky thrive and transform. They fund change by investing in nonprofit excellence and funding programs with high community impact. Recently, they helped launch the Grow initiative. 

Grow provides a proactive way to collaboratively build capacity for impact within their region. The goals of GROW include:

  • Capacity building to provide learning opportunities and growth
  • Cross-sector engagement to have a shared understanding of issues
  • Shared data resources to identify opportunities and improve decision-making
  • Scale impact for the Greater Evansville Region to lead to policy, systems, and environmental change to build resilient communities

Our Solution

WBF sought assistance from TCG to facilitate a series of trainings for nonprofit and philanthropic leaders in the community, strengthening their ability to fulfill their missions. TCG worked with WBF to determine which training topics would have the greatest impact on local leaders, building a custom series that included topics focused on Data Literacy, Data-Informed Giving, and Using Data in Grant Writing. TCG is in its second year of the training series for GROW!

The Data Literacy trainings consist of the following sessions:

  1. EVALUATION 101 – We cover the key competencies and elements of evaluation concepts. Our Evaluation 101 training covers implementing systems and a structure to set an organization up for success and embed evaluation into their organizational practices. We highlight the steps involved in creating an evaluation system and prepare participants to begin similar processes in their organizations that are aligned with their data management plans. This workshop introduces the concept of internal evaluation or cultivating an organizational learning culture. We will also give an overview of the difference between process and outcome evaluations. 
  2. HOW TO CREATE EVALUATION PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES – We cover the importance of having a data management plan and procedures to ensure accurate and clean data. Organizations often struggle with collecting data consistently and reliably and then knowing what to do after collecting it. In this workshop, we share examples of how to develop processes that outline responsibilities, timelines, and action steps to ensure consistency in how data is collected, stored, and analyzed. We share best practice examples of templates and resources for participants to use within their organization. 
  3. USING DATA TO INFORM PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT – We introduce a process to help organizations use their data to inform program improvement. We introduce the “PDSA” (or Plan Do Study Act) process and cycle and discuss how to use it internally for program improvement, staff development, and other organizational goals. We share tools and templates for organizations to implement the PDSA process and improve program outcomes. 
  4. BECOMING A DATA-INFORMED ORGANIZATION – We help participants understand the why behind using data, so they can view data as an asset for shaping their actions and decisions instead of simply an obligation to remain compliant or check a box. We cover the four components of becoming a data-informed organization and work on building competency in each area. We use an organizational assessment to help participants assess where they are on the continuum to becoming data-informed. 
  5. DATA-INFORMED GIVING FOR DONORS We help donors understand the importance of data to inform their giving, and the challenges nonprofits have to use their data. We cover the importance of helping nonprofits use their data, so they can view data as an asset for shaping their decisions instead of simply an obligation that nonprofits have to do to check a box. We cover the four components of becoming a data-informed organization and work on building competency in each area. We also give an overview of external evaluation–what it is, how it differs from internal evaluation practices, why it should not be something nonprofit organizations fear, and how both donors and nonprofits can best understand and use external evaluation results to drive program improvement. 
  6. USING DATA IN GRANT WRITING – We help participants understand how to identify, gather, and use relevant data to support a successful grant application. We cover different publicly available data sources that can help nonprofit organizations show the need for their programs and services. We discuss how the data that organizations collect on their program implementation helps them demonstrate how they can effectively meet the community’s needs. We give examples of how organizations can use data in the narrative of their grant application. Participants learn how using data can help them make a successful case for grant funding.

“Through their insightful training and facilitation, Transform Consulting Group has consistently delivered valuable expertise and innovative strategies, empowering nonprofits to achieve their missions more effectively. Their team’s dedication, adaptability, and expertise are truly commendable, and we are confident that their contributions will continue to drive positive change in our community.” – Candice Perry, Chief Capacity Building Officer, Welborn Baptist Foundation


  • Developed and facilitated 6 trainings for more than 60 nonprofit leaders to build their data literacy capacity. 
  • Each training included materials, such as tools, templates, and handouts.
  • Training assessments to determine the effectiveness of the training and continued needs of participating organizations.
  • Project debrief time with GROW staff for each workshop to determine what went well and what can be improved.

Through their insightful training and facilitation, Transform Consulting Group has consistently delivered valuable expertise and innovative strategies, empowering nonprofits to achieve their missions more effectively. Their team’s dedication, adaptability, and expertise are truly commendable, and we are confident that their contributions will continue to drive positive change in our community.
Candice Perry

Chief Capacity Building Officer, Welborn Baptist Foundation

Let's Transform the WorldOver Coffee


Data Informed Tool

Data-Informed Tools

Toolkits address the “why” of data.

Data Informed Tool

Data Dashboard Tools

It is still possible to meet your fundraising goals

Data Informed Tool

Strategic Planning Tools

We’ll work to identify the key stakeholders to inform your planning process.

Data Informed Tool

Evaluation Tools

How effective is your program? Is it working as intended?

Data Informed Tool

Fundraising Tools

With simple, practical tools, your team can diversify funding streams.

Data Informed Tool

Coalition Tools

Is your issue bigger than one organization can handle? A coalition may be the answer!