Client Story
Developing a Data Dashboard to Illustrate Geographical Reach And Impact
The Challenge
Illinois Head Start Association’s mission is to mobilize, strengthen, and inspire their membership in the interest of their children, families, staff, and communities. They serve 102 counties across Indiana and over 26,000 families.
They wanted to better demonstrate the footprint and vast extent of services that Head Start provides across the state. In addition, they also wanted to make the case that the need for more Head Start services and programming is still present. They have been frustrated with trying to figure out how to summarize and present all of the “Program Information Report or PIR” data from each grantee statewide to help capture this statewide and local analysis.
The Solution
The Illinois Head Start Association contracted TCG to create an interactive data dashboard to help communicate Head Start and Early Head Start Program Information Report (PIR) data to external audiences. The dashboard includes an overview, program map, as well as information about access, services provided, and teachers. Users can filter to look at data in particular geographic areas, including congressional districts.
The Outcomes
Using our 7-step dashboard creation process, TCG worked with the Illinois Head Start Association to create a new customized state dashboard in the last quarter of 2022. We derived the data from the Head Start PIR, the U.S. Census, and the Illinois Department of Children and Families.
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