Family engagement strategies are constantly evolving due to the development of new technology and consumer utilization of it. The Family Involvement Network of Educators (FINE), which convenes thousands of stakeholders committed to promoting strong partnerships between schools, families, and communities, publishes a yearly bibliography that contains best practice research on innovative family involvement. Compiled by the Harvard Family Research Project and members of FINE, the Family Involvement Bibliography series provides essential information to both inform and influence. Critical topics like the ones listed below are covered.
- Transition to school
- Children’s media use in America
- Family-school connectedness
- Family involvement in early childhood education
- Family involvement in adolescence
- Children’s early social development
- Parents and teacher support among Latino immigrant youth
- Multicultural teaching concerns and knowledge of parent involvement
A broad spectrum of research and supporting documentation educates policymakers and the public on the newest family involvement techniques responding to innovations in education and technology, concerns about equity and opportunity, and expectations about school readiness. Family engagement bibliographies have been published since 1999, and can be found here.
At Transform Consulting Group, we understand that promoting positive parent, family, and child relationships helps set young people up for success in school and in life. Transform Consulting Group uses latest research and best practices to help organizations engage families in schools and the community. Contact us today to learn more!