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New Tool to Find Evidence-Based Programs

New Tool to Find Evidence-Based Programs

There’s a NEW TOOL for schools, government agencies and community-based organizations to help identify and fund scientifically proven programs with a track record of promoting children’s health and development. A new interactive website called Blueprints for Healthy...

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New Tool to Find Evidence-Based Programs

Where Is Your Board Life Cycle?

All organizations go through different board life cycles.  Where does your organization fall in the life cycles described below? Stage One: The Organizing Board Organizing boards are one of two types: those that follow a leader/founder and those that lead or control...

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New Tool to Find Evidence-Based Programs

Begin with the End in Mind

  I am sure that you have heard of the quote by Yogi Berra, "If you don't know where you are going, how are you going to know when you get there?" Why begin with the end in mind? Spending some time to think about your long-term goals - what you hope to accomplish...

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New Tool to Find Evidence-Based Programs

Welcome to the Ripple Effect News

  Greetings! Welcome to the Ripple Effect News produced by Transform Consulting Group. At Transform, we believe in the ripple effect that one organization or individual can have on others. We are privileged to work with clients that are making a difference in the...

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Data Informed Tool

Data-Informed Tools

Toolkits address the “why” of data.

Data Informed Tool

Data Dashboard Tools

It is still possible to meet your fundraising goals

Data Informed Tool

Strategic Planning Tools

We’ll work to identify the key stakeholders to inform your planning process.

Data Informed Tool

Evaluation Tools

How effective is your program? Is it working as intended?

Data Informed Tool

Fundraising Tools

With simple, practical tools, your team can diversify funding streams.

Data Informed Tool

Coalition Tools

Is your issue bigger than one organization can handle? A coalition may be the answer!