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$100K Grants for Research on “What Works” for Social Spending

Celebrate Nonprofits on World NGO Day

  February 27th is World NGO Day, a day for all Non-Government Organizations (including nonprofits) worldwide to share their initiatives and experiences with others. This is a day to celebrate and recognize the contribution, support and vital work all local,...

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$100K Grants for Research on “What Works” for Social Spending

Nonprofit Storytelling: Why Go Visual?

This is the first in a three-part blog series on nonprofit storytelling. According to the Social Science Research Network, the majority of people are visual learners. Recently, Transform Consulting Group published a series of articles on how nonprofits can use...

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$100K Grants for Research on “What Works” for Social Spending

Early Education Matching Grant Window Open

  The Family and Social Services Administration’s Bureau of Childcare is accepting applications for Early Education Matching Grants. In the 2013 legislative session, $2 million was set aside to pilot a new early childhood program with the primary purpose to...

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Data Informed Tool

Data-Informed Tools

Toolkits address the “why” of data.

Data Informed Tool

Data Dashboard Tools

It is still possible to meet your fundraising goals

Data Informed Tool

Strategic Planning Tools

We’ll work to identify the key stakeholders to inform your planning process.

Data Informed Tool

Evaluation Tools

How effective is your program? Is it working as intended?

Data Informed Tool

Fundraising Tools

With simple, practical tools, your team can diversify funding streams.

Data Informed Tool

Coalition Tools

Is your issue bigger than one organization can handle? A coalition may be the answer!