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Federal Program Spotlight:  Federal TRIO Programs

Federal Program Spotlight: Every Kid in a Park

The Every Kid in a Park initiative, launched by President Obama, was created with the hope that all children get the opportunity to visit and explore the outdoors. Beginning in September, every fourth-grader in the nation will receive an “Every Kid in a Park,” pass...

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Federal Program Spotlight:  Federal TRIO Programs

Bringing TEDx to an Afterschool Program

  Randy Wallock, a 7th grade Language Arts teacher, stumbled upon TEDx when trying to replace his school’s previous afterschool enrichment program. Inspired by TEDx and with an idea to enhance the afterschool program, Wallock applied for and received a license in...

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Federal Program Spotlight:  Federal TRIO Programs

Federal Program Spotlight: Amber Alert

  This post is part of Transform Consulting Group’s blog series highlighting federal programs that provide education opportunities and/or youth development services in communities. The U.S. Department of Justice AMBER Alert program was instituted in 1996 as an...

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Federal Program Spotlight:  Federal TRIO Programs

New Preschool in America Report Released

  The U.S. Department of Education released a new report, A Matter of Equity: Preschool in America, which highlights the current state of early childhood education programs in America and the parity gaps for specific populations. Some of the key highlights in the...

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Federal Program Spotlight:  Federal TRIO Programs

Preschool for All

  The expansion of preschool has been a hot topic over the past year as debates on quality education heat up and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is being reauthorized. Arne Duncan, United States Secretary of Education, announced on the 50th...

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Federal Program Spotlight:  Federal TRIO Programs

English Learner Guidance

The U.S. Departments of Education (DOE) and Justice (DOJ) recently released guidance documents reaffirming the obligation under federal law that public schools must ensure English learner students have equal access to high-quality education. This comes on the 40th...

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Federal Program Spotlight:  Federal TRIO Programs

National Volunteer Week is Next Week!

  April 12-18th is National Volunteer Week, a week dedicated to encouraging individuals to find creative ways to give back to their communities. By uniting to serve the community, participants demonstrate that working together can accomplish goals and challenges,...

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Data Informed Tool

Data-Informed Tools

Toolkits address the “why” of data.

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Data Dashboard Tools

It is still possible to meet your fundraising goals

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Strategic Planning Tools

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Evaluation Tools

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Fundraising Tools

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Coalition Tools

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