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Federal Program Spotlight: AmeriCorps

America’s College Promise Initiative

This year, President Obama has unveiled a program to help combat the rising college costs for students across the nation, America’s College Promise Initiative. America’s College Promise Initiative would allow responsible students to go to a community college for...

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Federal Program Spotlight: AmeriCorps

Grant Opportunities with KaBOOM! Playground

The childhood obesity rate has tripled since 1980 and has remained the same for the past ten years. Almost 75 hours of a child's week is spent immersed in media, whether it is television, video games, or other forms of entertainment. In response to fewer children...

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Federal Program Spotlight: AmeriCorps

Federal Program Spotlight: Farm to School

This blog is part of a series highlighting federal programs that support children, families and communities. The United States Department of Agriculture’s Farm to School Grant Program was created with the purpose of assisting eligible programs in creating a farm to...

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