New Federal Grant Opportunities for Mentoring Programs

by | May 13, 2015


mentoringThe U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has two federal funding opportunities for mentoring organizations and programs: Mentoring Opportunities for Youth Initiatives and Mentoring for Youth: Underserved Populations.

The OJJDP Mentoring Opportunities for Youth Initiatives supports mentoring programs that reduce juvenile delinquency, drug-abuse and other high-risk behaviors. The OJJDP Mentoring Opportunities for Youth Initiatives grant is divided into three eligibility categories:

  1. National Mentoring Programs that have mentoring programs in at least 45 states.
  2. Multistate Mentoring Programs that have mentoring programs in at least 5 states but fewer than 45 programs.
  3. Collaborative Mentoring Programs that are a part of at least 3 and as many as 5 mentoring organizations.

An organization that applies for funding in Category 1 may not apply for funds in any other category, but an organization that applies for funding in Category 2 may also apply as a member of the collaborative to receive funds in Category 3.

For organizations interested in the Mentoring for Youth: Underserved Populations grant opportunity, DOJ is interested in mentoring organizations that serve the following underserved populations:

  1. Youth with disabilities
  2. Youth in foster care
  3. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) youth

Eligible applicants are limited to multistate organizations defined as organizations that have operated an established mentoring program for at least 3 years, and have active chapters or subawardees in at least 5 states but fewer than 45 states.

Interested applicants in either grant must register with prior to submitting an application. All applications are due to be submitted and in receipt of a successful validation message in by 11:59 p.m. eastern time on June 23, 2015.

Transform Consulting Group has successfully helped other organizations apply for and receive federal grants. Contact us today to learn more about how we help organizations apply for grants and find new funding streams! 



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