In 1993, the National Research Council (NRC) issued the report, Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect, which provided an overview of the research on child abuse and neglect. Twenty years later, this report has been updated to provide new recommendations to this public health challenge. With 6 million children involved in reports of child abuse and neglect each year, this is a complex societal problem that requires a comprehensive response. This new report concludes that while there has been great progress in child abuse and neglect research, a coordinated, national research infrastructure with high-level federal support needs to be established and implemented immediately. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the National Research Council (NRC) have developed this infographic to help people understand what defines child abuse and neglect, the risk factors, the big picture, the lasting impact and what needs to be done:
Transform Consulting Group knows the powerful impact infographics can have in helping nonprofit causes. In a three part series of blog articles from Transform Consulting Group, we discussed how nonprofits can use infographics like this one to communicate their brand, make their case, influence donors and highlight their organizations’ positive outcomes.Interested in how Transform Consulting Group can help your organization visualize your next report, data, or grant proposal? Contact Transform Consulting Group today!