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Transformational Organization: The Patachou Foundation

Written By Transform Consulting Group

Nov 8, 2013
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patachou kitchenToday, we’re highlighting the work of a Transformational Organization: The Patachou Foundation. While those in Central Indiana may associate the name, Patachou, with the well-known and delicious Café Patachou restaurants, the company is using its food passion and talent to make an impact in the community. The Foundation uses the PATATRUCK mobile Patachou kitchen to take healthy after-school snacks to children impacted by homelessness and hunger and help them to learn about real food and nutrition.

One in four Hoosier children, or about 388,000, struggle with hunger, which also puts those children at continuing risk for homelessness. This summer, Patachou’s founder, Martha Hoover, discussed with the Indianapolis Star her disappointment with the impact and outcomes of her company’s philanthropic giving, and how that ultimately lead to the creation of the Foundation. Hoover believes that adherence to smart growth strategies and making an early impact will create a radically better organization. The Patachou Foundation will be partially supported with profits produced by Public Greens, a Patachou restaurant soon to be opened on the Monon Trail in Broad Ripple.

Father Greg Boyle of Homeboy Industries will be speaking at a Patachou Foundation fundraising event on February 27, 2014. This visionary organization located in Los Angles is the largest gang intervention program in the nation and has become a model for other organizations. At Homeboy’s six social enterprises, which include catering, restaurants, a bakery, and farmer’s market, young men and women are placed in what is often their first “real job” and receive wraparound services to transform their lives and future.

Transform Consulting Group applauds the Patachou Foundation’s focus on positive outcomes and using smart growth strategies to maximize its impact on child hunger and homelessness in Indianapolis. Transform Consulting Group can help your organization make a similar well-planned, strategic and outcome driven plan for your organization. For example, Transform was hired by the Indiana After-School Network (IAN) to help that organization get clear on where it was heading, whom it needed to engage, and strategies for next steps. We helped IAN write grants totaling more than $600,000 and laid the groundwork for the organization to flourish. Looking for a roadmap for your organization? Contact us today and we’ll show you the way!


Transform Consulting Group

Transform Consulting Group is a national data-informed consulting firm dedicated to serving nonprofits, educational institutions, government agencies, and philanthropic organizations. Our experienced team offers actionable solutions to complex challenges, empowering clients to harness data for strategic decision-making and enhanced impact. We specialize in areas such as strategic planning, program evaluation, fund development, and leadership development, tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of each client. Our mission is to transform data into a powerful asset that drives meaningful change and fosters organizational sustainability.

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