New Smartphone App To Prevent Bullying

by | Sep 22, 2014


Knowbullying - SAMHSASubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is launching a free mobile App that provides parents, caretakers, educators and others information and support to address youth bullying. The KnowBullying app was developed in conjunction with the federal partnership of

The Knowbullying App helps parents talk about what bullying is and how to stand up to it safely. Bullying can take place anytime and anywhere in a child’s life. To have quick and easy access to information about how to address bullying is a great advantage.

Through the use of technology, the KnowBullying App shares new research and strategies for the prevention of bullying to everyone. The KnowBullying App can help get the conversation started and provides tips on talking to children.

The KnowBullying App includes the following:

  • Information about bullying
  • Warning signs that your child may be bullying others, being bullied, or witnessing others being bullied
  • Conversation starters to talk with your child about bullying
  • Reminders to talk with your child at times that work best for you and your family
  • Ability to share advice right from the app in an email and/or text message
  • Quick access to bullying prevention resources
  • Resources for educators

The KnowBullying App is available for free both iPhone and Android users. The App utilizes technology and advanced research to help prepare parents, teachers, and children to prevent bullying. The App is a great example of how research, collaboration, and building strategies can help others be more informed and develop favorable outcomes.

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