Indiana’s United Way Association Releases ALICE Report

by | Dec 2, 2014

A new study by Indiana Association of United Ways (IAUW) reports 37% of Hoosiers—or approximately 923,000—are unable to afford “the basics” such as housing, food, healthcare, childcare, and transportation, despite working. The ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Report details current research-based data on the financial stability of Hoosier families and individuals with incomes that are below the basic cost of living but above the Federal Poverty Level, and do not not qualify for support.

The ALICE Report compiles data from the U.S. Census, Internal Revenue Service, and Indiana Department of Workforce Development to calculate the number of individuals and families struggling financially based on current income and expenses at the state, county and township-level. ALICE households represent all different sizes and demographic configurations, but two of the most common are seniors and households with children. To view the full report, click here.

Nearly 23% of Hoosier households—or 570,000—fall into the ALICE category. Combined with those living below poverty, the numbers show more than 1 in 3 Hoosier households struggle to pay for the basics. According to the report, every county in Indiana has more than 21% of households living below the ALICE threshold.

The ALICE population is often forced to sacrifice saving money. ALICE families have no room in the budget for indulgences such as cell phones, cable, or extra clothing. Parents or guardians may be forced to choose between things like paying for health insurance or putting food on the table. This leaves ALICE families at a higher exposure for financial risk. Unanticipated costs like car repairs or sudden illnesses can have detrimental long-term effects.

The report indicates ALICE is a systemic problem that cannot be easily solved. IAUW will use this report to spread awareness, educate communities, and start working towards solutions.

Transform Consulting Group applauds IAUW’s work to shed light on this issue affecting nearly one-quarter of Hoosier families across the state.


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