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Free Tool to Support Results for Kids and Families

Written By Transform Consulting Group

Nov 27, 2013
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The Center for the Study of Social Policy has refreshed its PolicyforResults.org website, which provides a wealth of information for kids and families, including:

  • Data & Trends: state-specific numbers, background information on contributing factors, and guidance on setting projections and targets.
  • Strategies: Tailored and research-informed public policy strategies with highlighted state examples.
  • Implementation & Accountability: Ways to ensure and sustain policy success.
  • Funding Principles: Financing options and strategies to implement and sustain the work.

At Transform Consulting Group, we are committed to helping our clients maximize their impact in the community and aligning their programs to “what works”. The Center for the Study of Social Policy is a great resource with timely and current information that can be used to write grant proposalsupdate programs, or complete a community needs assessment.

The Center for the Study of Social Policy developed a new report that focuses specifically on supporting early healthy development. Developmental health refers to the full range of health outcomes related to children’s well-being as they grow, including physical, social–emotional, cognitive abilities/skills, and educational attainment. Young children who are delayed in development are at an educational disadvantage, and this gap continues to widen as children grow. 

Transform Consulting Group can help your organization use the latest research from the Center for the Study of Social Policy to identify trends and make recommendations to maximize the impact of your work. At Transform Consulting Group, we love to support organizations in becoming more effective. Contact Transform Consulting Group today for a free consultation!


Transform Consulting Group

Transform Consulting Group is a national data-informed consulting firm dedicated to serving nonprofits, educational institutions, government agencies, and philanthropic organizations. Our experienced team offers actionable solutions to complex challenges, empowering clients to harness data for strategic decision-making and enhanced impact. We specialize in areas such as strategic planning, program evaluation, fund development, and leadership development, tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of each client. Our mission is to transform data into a powerful asset that drives meaningful change and fosters organizational sustainability.

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