Update: This service is no longer available.
Join the hundreds of thousands of moms who receive complimentary text messages throughout their pregnancy and their baby’s first year. Text4baby is a free service of the nonprofit National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition (HMHB) and was created in collaboration with Founding Sponsor Johnson & Johnson. The Text4baby service has four goals:
- Demonstrate the potential of mobile health technology to address a critical national health priority: maternal and child health.
- Demonstrate the potential of mobile health technology to reach underserved populations with critical health information.
- Develop a base of evidence on the efficacy of mobile health interventions.
- Catalyze new models for public-private partnerships in the area of mobile health.
In addition to ensuring medical accuracy, HMHB is committed to providing relevant, clear, understandable, and actionable messages to mothers of all literacy levels. If you have limited monthly texting, Text4baby won’t take away from your total number of messages. Most wireless carriers in the U.S., including AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint, have agreed to waive the standard text messaging fees for text4baby users. The service also sends text messages encouraging dads and dads-to-be to engage with their children early. Parents, friends, relatives, and even health care providers can sign up to receive text4baby messages. You can sign up for text4baby in Spanish by texting BEBE to 511411. You can sign up for text4baby in English by texting BABY to 511411.
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