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Early Education Matching Grant Program Grantees Announced

by | Apr 17, 2014


FSSA20LogoThe Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) named 30 organizations from 15 different Indiana counties as recipients of the Early Childhood Education Matching Grant, which will help provide quality early education for low-income children in Indiana.

As we discussed in a previous blog article, the Early Education Matching Grant (EEMG) Program was created by the Indiana General Assembly during the last legislative session IC12-17.2-3.7.  This competitive grant will increase the enrollment of eligible low-income four year olds in high quality PreK programs.

The grant program allows high-quality, early care and education programs to apply for matching funds to serve 4-year-old children from families whose incomes are below federal poverty guidelines.  It is separate and distinct from the pre-K pilot legislation that was approved by the 2014 General Assembly. In this program grants are awarded directly to providers statewide, while under the program created by this year’s legislation families in five pilot counties will apply for scholarships.

FSSA received 35 applications for the matching grant.  Thirty grants, totaling $1,457,733.50 have been awarded and another $1,539,859.50 in matching funds have been obtained by a combination of foundations, United Way agencies, corporations, coalitions of public-private organizations and individual donors.

Transform Consulting Group was hired by the Bureau of Child Care to serve as the EEMG Project Coordinator to roll out the new EEMG programContact Transform Consulting Group today for assistance with managing a new program or initiative at your organization.




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