Demand for “Middle-Skill” Jobs Is Strong In Indiana

by | Dec 11, 2014



According to the National Skills Coalition, between 2010 – 2020, 55% of job openings will be middle-skill.  Middle-skill jobs require education beyond high school but not a four-year degree.  Middle-skill jobs make up the largest part of America’s and Indiana’s labor market, accounting for 59% of Indiana’s labor market.  However, only 48% of Hoosiers are trained at the middle-skill level. 

NatnlSkillsChartAs shown, middle-skill jobs are integral to Indiana’s economy.  To address the need, National Skills Coalition has developed the Indiana Skills2Compete Coalition, a bipartisan group of state legislators, education policymakers, and business, labor, and community leaders in an effort to bring greater attention to the need for middle-skill jobs.  According to the Coalition, Indiana industries are unable to find enough middle-skill trained workers.  While low-skill and high-skill workers outnumber their respective jobs, there will likely not be enough middle-skill workers to fill the demand. Middle-skill jobs include registered nurses, dental hygienists, mechanics, electricians, police officers, plumbers, paralegals, and computer support specialists.

Sector Strategies in Indiana: A Summary of Efforts and Credentials of Opportunity are two reports released by the Indiana Institute for Working Families (IIWF) that highlight the powerful economic impact that sub-baccalaureate education and training can have for Indiana.  The IIWF uses research to evaluate public policies that help Hoosier families achieve and maintain financial self-sufficiency. Sector Strategies emphasizes that a significant challenge to Indiana’s economy is the skill development of low-income, low-skilled Hoosiers.  Credentials of Opportunity articulates that sub-baccalaureate credentials have a powerful impact when education is required to fill the skills gap. These reports show that by having more middle-skill workers, Indiana will be better equipped to compete in an increasingly competitive global economy.

Transform Consulting Group recognizes that development and growth of the middle-skill workforce is essential to meet the current and future needs of Indiana businesses.  Transform Consulting Group works with clients to develop work plans and build strategies that are current with industry trends and best-practice research.  Contact us today for a free consultation!




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