Child Welfare Outcomes 2008–2011: Report to Congress

by | Sep 23, 2013


Welfare Report GraphicThe Children’s Bureau of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has released the Child Welfare Outcomes 2008–2011: Report to Congress. This report informs Congress and child welfare professionals about the state and national performance on outcome measures for children served by child welfare systems. The outcome measures used in the report focus on seven categories, including children’s safety, well-being, and the permanency of family and living situations. The Report presents performance in seven outcome categories, which include:

• Outcome 1: Reduce recurrence of child abuse and/or neglect

• Outcome 2: Reduce the incidence of child abuse and/or neglect in foster care

• Outcome 3: Increase permanency for children in foster care

• Outcome 4: Reduce time in foster care to reunification without increasing reentry

• Outcome 5: Reduce time in foster care to adoption

• Outcome 6: Increase placement stability

• Outcome 7: Reduce placements of young children in group homes or institutions

The good news for Indiana is that some statistics in the report are improving. The number of child maltreatment victims and the number of children in foster care is decreasing, while the number of adoptions is increasing. However, delving deeper into the data reveals that many challenges remain in the child welfare system. For more on the Report, click here.

As mentioned in a previous blog, Transform Consulting Group works with the Indiana Department of Child Services to manage the Indiana Heart Gallery. The Heart Gallery is a traveling photographic exhibit featuring children in foster care who need and deserve a safe and loving home and one of DCS’ programs that support adoption (Outcome 3).

Having clear outcomes and complete and accurate data collection is the backbone of all organizations. Everyone needs reliable data to make effective decisions that will improve access to programs, enhance their quality and increase participation in them. At Transform Consulting Group, we love to support organizations in using data effectively. We can help your organization collect, track, analyze and monitor its impact. Contact Transform Consulting Group today for a consultation!




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