The U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor, announced the availability of $474.5 million in third-round grants from the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (“TAACCCT”) program to create and expand innovative partnerships between community colleges and businesses to educate and train workers in high-need fields. Institutions or consortiums interested in applying for funding can visit for more information on this grant program.
This latest round of funding will invest in innovative and evidence-based training models that include strong partnerships with local employers and employer organizations, including sector-based strategies. Funds will also encourage community colleges to better track student employment and earnings after graduation as a tool to improve their programming and create employment results scorecards that will help prospective students choose between training programs. Finally, models funded this year will use advanced online and technology-based job training tools. Course materials developed with this funding will be available publicly. All grantees will be required to evaluate their programs to build knowledge on what strategies are most effective in helping students gain skills and succeed in the workplace.
Transform Consulting Group will assist your organization with grant application, program administration, and data collection. Feel free to contact us today for a consultation!