If your electric provider is Duke Energy, schedule a free home energy assessment and a local nonprofit will receive a $25 donation from Energizing Indiana! Duke Energy is a proud partner in Energizing Indiana, a statewide initiative that promotes energy efficiency. Visit www.energizingindiana.com/duke to choose from over 400 nonprofit organizations that have partnered with Energizing Indiana. When you click on the nonprofit organization of your choice, you will be prompted to schedule your assessment. Upon completion of your home energy assessment, the organization will receive a $25 donation from Energizing Indiana.
A specially trained energy advisor will visit your home and guide you step-by-step through the process to produce long-term, cost effective energy savings by analyzing your energy use. Homeowners will receive up to 9 CFLs, 3 faucet aerators, 2 high efficiency shower heads and water heater insulation wrap just for participating in the free assessment. Nonprofits can also contact Energizing Indiana to learn more about thousands of dollars in rebates for installation of energy efficient lighting, HVAC, and Energy Star appliances that can make a positive impact on an organization’s operational costs.
Indiana saved more than 420 million kWh of energy in 2012 through Energizing Indiana programs. In 2012, more than 37,000 homeowners have benefited from home energy assessments and purchased more than 2.6 million energy-efficient light bulbs. Hoosier businesses have received over $5.1 million in incentives for energy-efficient upgrades to lighting and equipment. Energizing Indiana programs are funded by utility rates so there is no separate fee to participate.
Contact Transform Consulting Group today to strategize about new funding opportunities like the Energizing Indiana program!