Alan Silver’s book, How to Win Grants: 101 Winning Strategies, lists seven deadly sins of grant seeking. Has your organization committed any of these sins?
- Don’t ask for money from people who will never give it to you;
- Ask potential investors who believe in your mission and are passionate about your cause.
- Don’t shotgun cookie-cutter proposals to long lists of funders;
- Customize your proposal or case statement to show that your services support the funders’ mission and priority areas.
- Don’t contact funders until you have learned about their funding priorities, types of projects and grantees, geographic preferences, and all other things you can find out about them;
- Do your research before you contact a potential funder. Look for their priority areas, geographic preferences, and previous grantees to see if you align with them.
- Don’t ask for funding before you know exactly what you need;
- Do you have a plan supporting the expansion or enhancement your organization seeks through this funding request?
- Don’t submit a grant proposal without having another person read it for meaning, content, and style;
- Edit and review your proposal internally and with an external grant consultant.
- Don’t talk too much about your project and write too little about it; and,
- Do provide documented information to support the value of your organization.
- Don’t give up too soon. If you have a good idea and refine its presentation, it’s increasingly likely someone will fund it – maybe even the funder who initially rejected your proposal.
- Do listen to the feedback, make modifications, and submit again (to the same funder or a new one).
Transform Consulting Group knows the ins and outs of successful fund development and grant application. Contact us today for a consultation!
Adapted from an article in The NonProfit Times.