Transform Consulting Group knows how to help organizations access state and federal funding, and we are always looking for new resources to share with clients. Recently, Governor Pence announced the revamping of the Office of Federal Grants and Procurement into the Office of State-Based Initiatives (OSBI) to oversee all new federal funding priorities. Among other things, this new agency will be tasked with evaluating any potential federal resource using a cost-benefit analysis that evaluates fiscal and regulatory costs associated with the grant. In addition, OSBI will develop “block grant contingency plans” with each state agency. These plans will evaluate whether and how Indiana could use federal funds more effectively if there were “no strings attached”.
Transform Consulting Group puts its knowledge of state and federal funding to work for the benefit of organizations. Transform Consulting Group was hired by the Indiana Afterschool Network (IAN) to develop a fiscal map that summarized federal and state funding opportunities for out-of-school time programs to leverage in Indiana. Prior to working with Transform Consulting Group, IAN was primarily funded through one revenue source. Transform Consulting Group helped to increase the funding of IAN by 200% and diversify their sources of funding from being dependent on just one primary source of funding to pooling together several multi-year funding sources.
“Amanda is very bright, savvy, strategic and visionary and helped me and our organization get clear on where we were heading, who we needed to engage, and strategies on next steps. Amanda helped us write grants totaling more than $600,000 and laid the groundwork for our organization to flourish.”
Does your organization need recommendations on how to access federal/state government funds? Transform Consulting Group can help, contact us today!