How to Get Your Board Involved in Fundraising

by | Oct 30, 2013


board involved in fundraising imageHaving the board involved in fundraising is vital to the success of nonprofit organizations. They are an extension of the organization in the community and their circle of influence. However, it can sometimes be difficult to engage Board members. Asking for money doesn’t come naturally to most people, and many board members are afraid to ask, don’t know enough about the organization’s mission and impact to articulate it in a compelling way, and haven’t been trained specifically on fund development.

Communicating fundraising expectations when you recruit board members is critical. Board members should know that fundraising is an important part, if not the most important part, of their role, so that there are no surprises when they agree to join the Board. In addition, Board members need to be actively engaged in fund development discussions and fundraising goals need to be an integral part of their training. Some ideas for getting board members engaged include:

  • Have a job description for Board members that outlines expectations, roles and responsibilities including fundraising.
  • Support Board members with individual and group training on fundraising, answering Board member questions and providing specific tools and techniques that are simple and effective.
  • Include a “give or get” policy with the job description that prescribes a minimum financial contribution that a Board member must personally pledge or solicit from others.
  • Host “friendraisers” in their home or special location/event where they invite their close friends, have a presentation by the organization and make an “ask”.
  • Identify individual fundraising goals for the next year and explain their role in reaching the organization’s overall fundraising goal.
  • Explanation “no ask” fundraising strategies that are also important to cultivating relationships with donors, including personal hosting and invitation of new and current friends to the cause for tours, field trips, and program events; thank you calls and personal notes; writing notes on mailings and newsletters, etc.

Transform Consulting Group is available to provide an array of Professional Development services to support your organization’s Board members.  Contact Transform to find out more about how we can provide informative, interactive and engaging training and comprehensive fund development services to engage your Board in growing and diversifying your organization’s revenue.




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