Department of Education Issues 15 Priorities for Discretionary Grant Programs

by | Jul 22, 2014


department of education

The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) has proposed 15 new and revised supplemental priorities and definitions for use in discretionary grant programs.  The priorities frame the competitive grants that are annually released.  Rather than utilize individual program priorities, DOE intends for the 15 priorities to be used across all discretionary grant programs, thereby aligning new programs policy objectives.

Early Education is the Department of Ed’s top priority. Research suggests that participation in high-quality early learning and development programs leads to improved school readiness for children in the short term, as well as higher graduation rates and income earnings in the long term. The second priority is given to the development of non-cognitive factors, which help to enhance student motivation and engagement in learning. Non-cognitive factors might include the ability to sit still, pay attention, persevere, socialize and regulate emotional reactions.

Below is a list of the 15 proposed priorities:

  1. Improving Early Learning and Development Outcomes
  2. Influencing the Development of Non-Cognitive Factors
  3. Promoting Personalized Learning
  4. Improving Academic Outcomes for High-Need Students
  5. Increasing Postsecondary Access, Affordability, and Completion
  6. Improving Job-Driven Training and Employment Outcomes
  7. Promoting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education
  8. Implementing Internationally Benchmarked College and Career-Ready Standards and Assessments
  9. Improving Teacher Effectiveness and Promoting Equal Access to Effective Teachers
  10. Improving the Effectiveness of Principals
  11. Leveraging Technology to Support Instructional Practice and Professional Development
  12. Promoting Diversity
  13. Improving School Climate, Behavioral Supports, and Correctional Education
  14. Improving Parent, Family, and Community Engagement
  15. Supporting Military Families and Veterans

DOE is seeking public comment regarding the 15 proposed priorities until 11:59 pm, July 24, 2014. To submit a formal comment, follow this link here.

Does your organization’s mission align with one or more of these priorities?  Consider funding your programs with federal dollars.  Transform Consulting Group works to stay connected to the latest research and information that is applicable to our clients.  Contact us today for a free consultation!




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