New Grant Opportunity from Department of Education

by | Jul 22, 2013


Transform Consulting Group is highlighting a new grant opportunity from the U.S. Department of Education. The successful applicant will enter into a cooperative agreement Kids Heading to Schoolto establish and operate a National Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support (PBIS). The Center will assist schools in developing a framework that will help students remain engaged in instruction and improve academic outcomes for students with and without disabilities. A PBIS framework helps to improve behavioral and academic outcomes by improving school climate, preventing problem behavior, increasing learning time, promoting positive social skills, and delivering effective behavioral interventions and supports. The grant is open to public agencies, schools, charters and nonprofits, and will provide $1.65 million in funding for four years. Applications are due August 19, 2013.

Need help with a grant application? Transform Consulting Group is available to support your efforts at all levels to strategize, develop, edit and submit successful grant proposals. Contact Transform Consulting Group today for a consultation!




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