Are You Ready for College Goal Sunday?

by | Feb 17, 2014


college20goal20sunday20logo 1Secretary of Education Arne Duncan just announced that we have made history in America with a new graduation rate of 80%.  While it is a time to celebrate that four out of five American students complete high school, we still have a long way to go to help all students achieve in high school and thrive in their future.

As more students are graduating from high school, they are making plans to continue their education beyond high school.  College Goal Sunday is a community-wide effort to help college-bound students and their families complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  To be considered for available funding for college financial assistance, it’s imperative that students file their FAFSA by March 10.

College Goal Sunday provides FREE on-site help from financial aid experts to help students complete their FASFA.  Students who attend College Goal Sunday and fill out the appropriate form when signing in will be eligible to win one of seven $1,000 educational prizes from Indiana College Goal Sunday. Be sure to ask about the educational prize when you arrive at your site!

College Goal Sunday is this Sunday, February 23rd at 2:00pm.  If you plan to attend a College Goal Sunday location, make sure that you are prepared to complete your FASFA.  There is a great checklist for students and families to use to help them get the most out of their visit.  Depending on the student’s age and dependency status, you may need your parents’ financial information as well as your own.

To learn more about College Goal Sunday or for answers to your specific financial aid questions, call the Learn More Indiana hotline toll-free at 1-800-992-2076. Families needing assistance from a Spanish interpreter, sign language interpreter, or who may have other special needs should call 1-800-992-2076 to report which site you will attend.

At Transform Consulting Group, we work with organizations along the cradle to career continuum.  We make it our job to stay current with the latest news and events and share that information with our stakeholders – you!  Contact us today for a free consultation to see how we can help you increase the impact in your community.




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