48 Success Indicators in Early Education

by | Aug 26, 2013


Markers that Matter Cover PageTransform Consulting Group is always looking for useful frameworks for organizations to measure success. A new report developed by FSG with support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, “Markers that Matter: Success Indicators in Early Learning and Education,” offers 48 early childhood indicators that reflect the healthy development of young children. The report also highlights 10 emerging themes, areas that are not sufficiently addressed by existing indicators and where further inquiry is needed. These indicators are categorized into groupings affecting the child, family, education and care settings and community.

The report also discusses the value of these indicators’ potential to forge, sustain, and strengthen connections among community actors. The authors highlight two examples of how communities have used early childhood indicators in collaborative approaches that focus on supporting the healthy development of all children. Click here for the full report.

Transform Consulting Group is excited about how we can help organizations across Indiana use research-based outcomes and indicators to support actions that address the needs of our community! Contact Transform Consulting Group today for a free consultation to assess your organization’s outcomes and indicators!




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