21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant

by | Nov 25, 2013

CCLC Grant GraphicThe Indiana Department of Education accepts applications for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) grant until January 15, 2014. The 21st CCLC program is federally funded and provides at-risk students a safe environment during non-school hours. This program may have one or multiple centers/sites, which may be located in schools, community facilities, or faith-based facilities.

Any public or private organization is eligible to apply, including but not limited to:

  • School districts,
  • Charter schools,
  • Schools,
  • Educational consortia,
  • Nonprofit agencies,
  • City or county government agencies,
  • Faith-based organizations,
  • Institutions of higher education and
  • For-profit organizations. 

Approximately $11 million will be available to establish 21st-century CCLC programs. Proposals jointly submitted by school(s) and community-based organizations or other private or public entities will receive priority funding.

All centers must provide a range of high-quality services to support regular school-day academics and development, including, but not limited to: tutoring and mentoring, academic enrichment (e.g., homework assistance, reading, math, science, and technology programs), service learning, character education, physical education and recreational activities, and dropout prevention. The 21st CCLC program must also engage adult family members in actively participating with students through educational and personal development opportunities.

The priority target for funds under the No Child Left Behind Act is eligible entities that propose to serve students who primarily attend schools eligible for school-wide programs under Section 1114 or schools that serve a high percentage of students from low-income families. In this competition, low-income is defined as schools with at least 40% of students participating in the Free and Reduced Lunch program.

A technical assistance webinar will be held on December 5, 2013 (10 a.m. EST), and intent-to-apply letters are due December 13, 2013. Awards will be announced in early March. 

Transform Consulting Group can help your organization identify resources, find community partners, and write compelling grant proposals. Contact Transform Consulting Group today to learn more!




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