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How Can Your Coalition Be Successful?

Reflecting on Women’s History Month

"Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn't be that women are the exception," Former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  March is Women’s History Month and a time to reflect on the history and achievements of women. As a woman, I...

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How Can Your Coalition Be Successful?

Part 2: 2020 Giving Reflections

Two months ago, we shared our 2020 giving reflections based on data available at that time. Since then, more data has been released. As promised, here is an update! Spoiler alert: Things weren’t too bad in 2020, and the future looks promising. In Part I, we analyzed...

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How Can Your Coalition Be Successful?

How Do I Start Fundraising?

Did you know that a majority (90%) of non-profit organizations rely on a single source for 90% of their funding? How do I start fundraising to diversify? When we work with clients to help increase their funding, we typically recommend that they diversify their...

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