With the continued growth of non-profits over the past several years (as we recently discussed in this blog article), some organizations view themselves in competition with other community organizations. While this might not be the intention of Executive Directors or...
Previous Posts
How to Gain Media Attention with a Compelling Press Release
At Transform Consulting Group, we are honored to serve many clients who are working hard to make a difference in the lives of children, families and their communities. While we partner with them on behind the scenes work (see our services here), we also want to help...
Why Your Organization Might Consider a Merger
In the for-profit sector, mergers and acquisitions are common. However, in the non-profit sector, mergers and acquisitions are hardly discussed, often have a negative connotation and seen as a "last option" when non-profits are in distress. Relatively few...
The 6 Myths of Nonprofit Management
Recently, Transform Consulting Group blogged about Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits. While Forces for Good focuses on these practices, the book also highlights common myths that persist within nonprofit management. These myths often shift...
The 6 Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits
First published six years ago and recently revised and updated, a “go-to” read for nonprofits is Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits. The book teaches that becoming a high-impact nonprofit is not just about building a stand-alone organization...
How Lean Are You?
Lean Impact is a community dedicated to raising awareness of the theory of Lean Startup as a way to improve nonprofit effectiveness and change for social good. It’s an online learning community that is bringing resources to bridge the huge gaps that exist between what...
Transformational Organizations: The Mind Trust
Transform Consulting Group sees the ripple effect that The Mind Trust is having in Indianapolis. The Mind Trust is a non-profit organization working to inspire innovative education reform and help transform the Indianapolis public schools system. Since 2006,...
Do We Have a Double Standard for Nonprofits?
Are our attitudes toward nonprofit fundraising undermining the causes we love and our desire to change the world? Dan Pallotta, the founder of the AIDS Ride and Breast Cancer 3-Day events, gave a bold speech on the subject for TED, a nonprofit devoted to "Ideas Worth...
Wellpoint Foundation Grant Window Open
Transform Consulting Group wants local nonprofits to know that the Wellpoint Foundation's grant window is open for projects in Indiana and other Wellpoint operating states for projects that improve the lives of people and health. The Foundation currently has...
IYI Capacity Building Grant Opportunity
Transform Consulting Group wants community and faith-based nonprofit organizations serving children and youth to know about a capacity-building grant opportunity from the Indiana Youth Institute (IYI). IYI is awarding twelve grants, and each recipient will receive the...