Are you a community leader working to provide more information about availability of services in your county? Maybe you are trying to identify coverage areas, gaps in services or duplications of services in the non-profit sector of your community? We believe an asset...
3 Tips to Plan Your New Program Before You Launch It
Too often we see organizations excited about receiving a new grant or starting a new program, and they jump in head first to implementation without enough planning. In this blog, we share a program planning and evaluation tool we use called the “PDSA” framework, which...
3 Tips to Use Your Data to Drive Program Improvement
According to the National Student Clearinghouse, only about half of college students nationwide actually complete their degrees. The statistics are even worse for those starting at community colleges or 2-year programs. This results in many students accruing debt...
Tools Your Board of Directors Need to be Effective
Every nonprofit organization and school has a Board of Directors that is meant to help govern the organization. There are many companies, books, and webinars that solely focus on supporting Boards of Directors. Over the years, we have found and developed some key...
How a Needs Assessment Can Support Your Head Start Program
Most organizations that receive federal or state funding and even private funding are required to complete some type of needs assessment. This might be part of their grant application or annual program update. The purpose of the needs assessment (which we talk more...
Learn About Indiana’s Youngest Children with the 2019 ELAC Annual Report!
Indiana’s Early Learning Advisory Committee (ELAC) released its 2019 ELAC Annual Report. Each year, ELAC completes a needs assessment of the state’s early childhood education system and recommends solutions. We want to share some quick highlights and key takeaways...
5 W’s of a Process Evaluation: Part 2
In a recent blog post, we introduced the first two W’s of a process evaluation: Why conduct a process evaluation Who should conduct a process evaluation This blog post will cover the remaining three W’s: What methods to use to conduct a process evaluation Where to...
5 Tips to Implement an Evidence-based Program
When awarding funding, philanthropic funders want to invest in “what works” and is proven effective. Many funders show preference for programs and practices that are evidence-based. Implementing an evidence-based program is a great way for grant seekers to demonstrate...
7 Tips for Using LinkedIn to Promote Your Work
Our Marketing 101 blog series explores strategies for boosting your social media presence, including valuable insights tailored for LinkedIn. You’ll want to keep those tips in mind as we dive deeper into the perks of promoting your organization on LinkedIn. We know...