Give yourself a pat on the back. You’re now at the final stage of the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle (review other steps here and here)! You’ve planned out your process, conducted your intervention, studied the results, and now it’s time to decide how to act. The Act...
“Do” and “Study” in the PDSA Process
We’re continuing our Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) series, and today are taking a closer look at “Do” and “Study.” As a reminder, the PDSA framework helps organizations implement a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) process. You can find a complete overview of PDSA...
Putting Data into Context
At Transform Consulting Group, we are proud data nerds. Our evaluation services help clients collect, analyze, and share meaningful data. This blog post explained who to share your data with and why. In today’s post, we will go one step further by providing noteworthy...
3 Steps to Establish Clear Outcomes
Evaluation is key in determining if your program is making the desired impact. While critical, evaluation can be an overwhelming and intimidating process for organizations. We have worked with several clients to help them embark on the journey of evaluating their...
2021 Giving Trends: What Does the Data Mean for Your Organization?
The data is out! We now have access to giving trends from 2021 and are looking at the implications these numbers will have on your organization’s strategies moving forward. Giving USA 2022: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2021 shows that national...
8 Signs You Need to think about Hiring a Consultant
As we approach the second quarter of 2022, are you considering hiring a consultant? Prior to joining the Transform Consulting Group (TCG) team, I spent 13 years as a practitioner and leader in the nonprofit sector, overseeing the hiring and management of consultants....
An Equitable Approach to Preparing Students for College & Beyond
Did you know that Indiana’s college-going rate is at its lowest point in more than 10 years? According to the 2021 Indiana College Readiness Report, the state’s college-going rate has steadily declined since 2015. This highlights the urgent need for effectively...
How Can Your Coalition Be Successful?
Does your community have a coalition that’s tackling an issue bigger than one organization can solve on its own? Even when you focus on one issue, you will likely find that there are varied aspects to address. Transform Consulting Group (TCG) recently partnered with...
How to Adjust Your Data Management Plan after COVID-19
The COVID-19 public health crisis changed the way most of us do our work. Many of our clients, especially those who are school-based or operate afterschool programs, faced the challenge of ending their school-year programming unexpectedly. As these programs adapt,...