A nonprofit’s board of directors can be an organization’s greatest ally! This is true in the best of times, and it’s even more important to remember during hard times. The coronavirus pandemic may have changed your programmatic priorities, impacted your fundraising,...
Using a Collective Impact Framework to Support Your Community
Do you see an issue or need in your community that is greater than what your individual organization can address on its own? Right now, COVID -19 is wreaking havoc on our communities. Using a Collective Impact Framework to Support Your Community
How to Adjust Your Data Management Plan after COVID-19
The COVID-19 public health crisis changed the way most of us do our work. Many of our clients, especially those who are school-based or operate afterschool programs, faced the challenge of ending their school-year programming unexpectedly. As these programs adapt,...
What’s Your “Why?”
If you have worked with our team at Transform Consulting Group (TCG), then you’ve probably heard us ask “what is your why?” The causes that our clients are tackling are significant. We take time to understand the importance of your work and impact in the community....
4 Steps to Keep Your Asset Map Current
Are you a community leader working to provide more information about availability of services in your county? Maybe you are trying to identify coverage areas, gaps in services or duplications of services in the non-profit sector of your community? We believe an asset...
3 Tips to Plan Your New Program Before You Launch It
Too often we see organizations excited about receiving a new grant or starting a new program, and they jump in head first to implementation without enough planning. In this blog, we share a program planning and evaluation tool we use called the “PDSA” framework, which...
3 Tips for Finding Funders
In this blog post we provided strategies for non-profit organizations looking to start fundraising. Part of this process involves setting goals and timelines for specific revenue streams, such as grants. Let’s say you’ve identified grants as a potential funding source...
Using Performance Indicators to Drive Impact
If you’re a Head Start organization, you know several reports and check-ins are required throughout the year. One mandatory item is to complete an annual performance indicators report (PIR), which includes a comprehensive list of data related to programs and services....
Working Remotely & How to Make it a Reality
What’s your dream job? Does it entail having a flexible schedule and ability to work WHEREVER? That dream is not uncommon which is nudging more and more organizations towards allowing employees to work remotely. Recent statistics show 50% of the United States...
2019 Year in Review
In the 2019 year in review, Transform Consulting Group experienced another significant year of growth and achievement. We were thrilled to work with various clients and essential causes across Indiana and Michigan again. We are thankful for all that we accomplished as...