The federal Health Resources and Services Administration will provide an estimated $7.8 million through its “Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems: Building Health Through Integration” grant program. Eligible applicants include State governments, County...
New Grant Opportunity for Community Revitalization Programs
Choice Neighborhoods support comprehensive community revitalization by focusing on housing, people and neighborhoods. Planning grants of up to $500,000 are available to Public Housing Authorities (PHAs), local governments, nonprofits, and for-profit developers...
New Partnership with AmeriCorps to Support School Turnaround
At the end of February, the U.S. Department of Education and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) announced a new competitive AmeriCorps grant program to support school turnaround efforts. It will provide $15 million in public funds over...
Begin with the End in Mind
I am sure that you have heard of the quote by Yogi Berra, "If you don't know where you are going, how are you going to know when you get there?" Why begin with the end in mind? Spending some time to think about your long-term goals - what you hope to accomplish...
Welcome to the Ripple Effect News
Greetings! Welcome to the Ripple Effect News produced by Transform Consulting Group. At Transform, we believe in the ripple effect that one organization or individual can have on others. We are privileged to work with clients that are making a difference in the...