The U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor, announced the availability of $474.5 million in third-round grants from the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (“TAACCCT”) program to create and expand...
Proposed 2014 Federal Budget Tightens Funding for Nonprofits: Emphasizes Program Outcomes, Innovation And Stretching Existing Resources
Recently, the Obama Administration announced its proposed 2014 Federal Budget, which included several key funding elements for programs relevant to nonprofits, philanthropic, faith-based, and other community organizations. The President’s 2014 budget replaces the...
5 Steps to Create SMART Goals
Goals provide direction and focus for our organizations. Goals unite stakeholders around a common mission and provide a pathway for moving forward, or do they? We know that is the intention and purpose of goals. However, we often see organizations use...
Newly Established Councils Will Provide Job Skills Training for Hoosier Students
New bills creating Indiana Works Councils and the Indiana Career Council were signed into law Monday, April 15th by Governor Mike Pence after both measures received unprecedented unanimous, bipartisan support in both chambers of the Indiana General Assembly....
Involving Youth in Your Evaluation
Evaluating your organization's services and impact is fundamental to creating sustainable and transformational change in your community. Where is your organization in the process of evaluation? Has your organization included youth or another stakeholder group...
2013 Investing in Innovation Fund (i3) Grant Competition
The U.S. Department of Education announced the start of the $150 million 2013 Investing in Innovation (i3) grant competition. The i3 program aims to develop and expand practices that accelerate student achievement and prepare every student to succeed in...
New Competition with Head Start Providers
The Department of Health and Human Services announced that it is working to strengthen quality and accountability in Head Start. For the first time ever, Head Start providers had to prove that they are providing the best early education services available in...
5 Lessons Learned about Student Success
Union City, New Jersey, an urban city just across the Hudson from Manhattan, has done the unthinkable. They went from having one of the worst school districts in the state to competing with the best. What was their success? Professor David L. Kirp reveals in...
New Tool to Find Evidence-Based Programs
There’s a NEW TOOL for schools, government agencies and community-based organizations to help identify and fund scientifically proven programs with a track record of promoting children’s health and development. A new interactive website called Blueprints for Healthy...
Where Is Your Board Life Cycle?
All organizations go through different board life cycles. Where does your organization fall in the life cycles described below? Stage One: The Organizing Board Organizing boards are one of two types: those that follow a leader/founder and those that lead or control...