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New Toyota Family Learning Grants

New Toyota Family Learning Grants

  The National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL) is accepting grant applications for its new nationwide initiative: Toyota Family Learning. NCFL will award five (5) organizations in different cities a three-year, $175,000 grant and a wide range of NCFL training...

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New Google Philanthropy App

New Google Philanthropy App

One Today is a philanthropy app developed by Google for Android that "brings together people and nonprofits through the simple act of giving $1." The app highlights a new nonprofit daily, allowing users to contribute $1 to any organization that captures their...

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Street Outreach Program Grants Available

Street Outreach Program Grants Available

The Family and Youth Services Bureau is now accepting applications for the Street Outreach Program. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services funds organizations that provide street-based services to runaway, homeless and street youth who have been subjected...

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The Seven Deadly Sins of Grant Seeking

The Seven Deadly Sins of Grant Seeking

Alan Silver's book, How to Win Grants: 101 Winning Strategies, lists seven deadly sins of grant seeking. Has your organization committed any of these sins? Don't ask for money from people who will never give it to you; Ask potential investors who believe in your...

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Guidance for Creating Promise Neighborhoods

Guidance for Creating Promise Neighborhoods

  A new report from The Urban Institute, Measuring Performance: A Guidance Document for Promise Neighborhoods on Collecting Data and Reporting Results, provides recommendations on data collection and strategies to track progress over time and ensure program...

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