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3 Ways for Nonprofits to Refresh Their Annual Report

STEM Summer Camp Opportunity at CDC

There is an increasing demand for skilled workers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in the United States.  However, we have insufficient skilled workers and students pursuing degrees in this field.  According to the U.S. Department of Labor, only 5%...

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3 Ways for Nonprofits to Refresh Their Annual Report

Are You Ready for College Goal Sunday?

  Secretary of Education Arne Duncan just announced that we have made history in America with a new graduation rate of 80%.  While it is a time to celebrate that four out of five American students complete high school, we still have a long way to go to help all...

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3 Ways for Nonprofits to Refresh Their Annual Report

Celebrate Nonprofits on World NGO Day

  February 27th is World NGO Day, a day for all Non-Government Organizations (including nonprofits) worldwide to share their initiatives and experiences with others. This is a day to celebrate and recognize the contribution, support and vital work all local,...

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