Make Attendance in the Month of September Count!

by | Sep 30, 2014


Attendance Awareness Month Image

Now that the students are back to school, it is important that we ensure good attendance for student growth and learning. Research shows that students with poor attendance in the first month of school are more likely to experience chronic absences. Chronic absence is defined as missing more than 10 percent (or 18 days for a 180 day school year!) of school days during the school year. This can be as little as just 2 school days a month.

Attendance Works is a national and state initiative that promotes better policy and practice around school attendance. They have developed free tools (including a toolkit) and resources for schools and community partners to use to improve school attendance and identify students with poor attendance. To help encourage students to attend class every day, the toolkit connects students to personal relationships and positive support. Students are more likely to attend school if they have formed positive relationships with caring adults and fellow students.

The toolkit provides a step-by-step guide to a data-driven strategy known as PEOPLE — Priority Early Outreach through Positive Linkages and Engagement. The toolkit outlines steps to take for the application of PEOPLE. There are five steps which include where to focus priority, how to establish a team, accessing students, connecting with families, reflecting in a positive way. Check out this Attendance Works infographic to see more statistics and information about chronic absenteeism.

By accessing the data, Attendance Works has been able to identify students that are most at risk. This allows for communication to parents and community partners so that attendance can be improved. Consider the power of data analysis. It allows for prediction of trends, which in return can help make a positive impact.

Transform Consulting Group works to stay current with the latest research and best practices around “what works” to share with clients and apply in the field. Does your organization need to review its current programming and ensure its alignment with research-based practices? Contact Transform Consulting Group today to get started!




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