By 2020, 65% of Jobs Will Require a College Education Monday, 09 December

by | Dec 9, 2013

The Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University recently released Recovery: Projection of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2020.This national report shows that by 2020, 65% of jobs will require postsecondary education beyond high school. It also contains data which gauges each state’s position compared to the national average, compares the educational composition of jobs in the base year (2010) to the forecast year (2020), and shows where the jobs will be by state, education level and occupations for 25 detailed occupational categories in 2020.

Nationally, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), healthcare professions and support, and community services will be the fastest growing occupations, but also will require high levels of post-secondary education. Most jobs will require some type of post-secondary education, and individuals that only possess a high school diploma will have fewer employment options. The United States will fall short by 5 million workers with postsecondary education – at the current production rate – by 2020.

The data for Indiana indicates that in 2020, 59% of jobs will require at least some college. It is estimated that Indiana will see 16% job growth by 2020, with the most jobs in the healthcare sector.

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