When awarding funding, philanthropic funders want to invest in “what works” and is proven effective. Many funders show preference for programs and practices that are evidence-based. Implementing an evidence-based program is a great way for grant seekers to demonstrate...
Transform Consulting Group
Previous Posts
5 Ways to Strengthen Your Internship Program
As a college student, I believe it is important to gain valuable experience in the workforce. My internship at Transform Consulting Group (TCG) has wrapped up, and I feel better prepared for graduation because of this summer experience. I am grateful for companies...
Getting the Most Out of Your Needs Assessment
Recently, Transform Consulting Group finished the annual needs assessment for the Indiana Head Start State Collaboration Office (IHSSCO). Each Head Start State Collaboration Office is required to submit a needs assessment annually, which informs its strategic plan...
Marketing 101: 5 Places to List Your Organization Online
At Transform Consulting Group, we know how important it is to market your organization within the online world. That’s why we have so many blogs in our Marketing 101 series dedicated to your online presence (here and here). There are many online directories to look...
Training Your Team
As a new employee (week 8 on the job), I’m learning more and more about Transform Consulting Group. I have found that we don’t stop working where other consultants might. The typical client engagement cycle at other consulting groups follows: Research is finished,...
Research Spotlight: Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs
At Transform Consulting Group, we make it a priority to stay current with the latest research and trends across our clients' sectors. For example, we wrote in a previous blog about a new practice where programs are using a two-generational approach, which looks to...
How to Create a Fund Development Plan
At Transform Consulting Group, we know how stressful and time consuming it can be to find funding sources that match an organization’s mission and vision that are also sustainable for future growth. We have found that taking the time to create a fund development plan...
How to Avoid Program Complacency
It can be rewarding to provide a program or service meeting an important community need! Part of providing your program or service is meeting the contractual and grant obligations laid out, but how do you go beyond that and ensure you keep things fresh? This is...
Two-Generational Approach for Greater Impact
Amazing organizations are working hard to support the development and achievements of young children. Similarly, outstanding organizations are working hard to connect adults with the proper resources to attain success. Supporting each of those populations separately...
Why is a Program Evaluation Impact Team so Important?
How does an organization know it’s meeting its goals and objectives? An outside team can be hired to put tools and systems in place, which is a good start, but investing money in outside consulting only can leave organizations floundering in a constantly evolving...