We often talk with clients who identify barriers to their success, but they don’t realize that they may need to create a strategic plan in order to accomplish their goals. In other cases, our clients do recognize their need for a new strategic plan, but they lack the...
Lora Stephens
Previous Posts
How Can Your Coalition Be Successful?
Does your community have a coalition that’s tackling an issue bigger than one organization can solve on its own? Even when you focus on one issue, you will likely find that there are varied aspects to address. Transform Consulting Group (TCG) recently partnered with...
Your Board of Directors Can Be Your Greatest Ally
A nonprofit’s board of directors can be an organization’s greatest ally! This is true in the best of times, and it’s even more important to remember during hard times. The coronavirus pandemic may have changed your programmatic priorities, impacted your fundraising,...
4 Free Ways to Increase Your Nonprofit’s Fundraising
Nonprofit leaders know that fundraising is critical to success. There are some easy and free electronic giving options that you can start using now! Regardless of how small or large your organization is, you can benefit from your supporters’ regular shopping habits....
How to Register to Apply for Federal Grants
Congratulations! You’ve determined you are Federal Grant Ready, and it’s time for you to apply for federal grants! Before you can jump in, there are many administrative steps to take care of first. Applying for federal grants is tedious. Getting set up to apply...
Why Break Down Data?
When you’re using data to make decisions, are you also taking time to break down data to learn more? Perhaps you are struggling to understand the needs of different parts of the population you serve. Maybe you’re noticing different outcomes in different groups but...
Learn About Indiana’s Youngest Children with the 2019 ELAC Annual Report!
Indiana’s Early Learning Advisory Committee (ELAC) released its 2019 ELAC Annual Report. Each year, ELAC completes a needs assessment of the state’s early childhood education system and recommends solutions. We want to share some quick highlights and key takeaways...
Your Project Is Feasible. Now How Do You Implement It?
You completed a feasibility study and found out that your project is feasible! Now it’s time for the work of actually implementing your project or new program. What are your next steps? Your implementation plan will include 4 focus areas: program design, staff,...
What is the Breakeven Point for Your Early Childhood Education Program?
For early childhood education programs and other nonprofits, knowing the organization's "breakeven point " is crucial. This is where expenses and revenue break even, meaning you have enough funding to run your program. Operating a high-quality early childhood...
3 Steps for Creating a Fund Development Case Statement
A fund development case statement is a broad three- to five-page overview of your nonprofit organization that highlights who you are and what sets you apart from other similar nonprofits. Your case statement sets a foundation for grant applications and donation...