Did you know that a majority (90%) of non-profit organizations rely on a single source for 90% of their funding? How do I start fundraising to diversify? When we work with clients to help increase their funding, we typically recommend that they diversify their...
Amanda Lopez
Previous Posts
4 Steps to Complete a Feasibility Study
Too often non-profits and government agencies immediately begin implementing a new program or service area. They see a need with their clients or a gap in the existing services, so they elect to help meet that need. This all sounds good, right? The challenge is that...
Using a Collective Impact Framework to Support Your Community
Do you see an issue or need in your community that is greater than what your individual organization can address on its own? Right now, COVID -19 is wreaking havoc on our communities.
3 Tips to Use Your Data to Drive Program Improvement
According to the National Student Clearinghouse, only about half of college students nationwide actually complete their degrees. The statistics are even worse for those starting at community colleges or 2-year programs. This results in many students accruing debt...
Are You Ready for a Federal Grant?
Receiving a federal grant can be a great way to accelerate your impact. There are many positive attributes in applying for and receiving a federal grant. Federal grants tend to be for larger amounts and are often multi-year funding to name a few. However, federal...
Tools Your Board of Directors Need to be Effective
Every nonprofit organization and school has a Board of Directors that is meant to help govern the organization. There are many companies, books, and webinars that solely focus on supporting Boards of Directors. Over the years, we have found and developed some key...
4 Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Volunteer Committee
When was the last time you were asked to join a committee? Did you have a deep sigh of angst or a smile of excitement. Your reaction was probably the former, which is not uncommon. Most professionals I know are involved in one if not multiple volunteer committees and...
Board Member Recruitment Tips
Are you seeking a new board member for your nonprofit organization? Board members are an important link to successful fundraising, community engagement and networking. Having the right people on your board is critical to successful organizational impact. Certainly,...
How to use 990 tax forms for grant writing?
Writing grants can be a long, arduous process.  In this past blog, we talked about five steps for grant writing.  Once you have identified possible funders who share alignment with your organization’s mission and goals, you want to gather more information to make a...
Is it Time to Redesign Your Program?
Organizations - public and private - go through different stages of development. During this life cycle, it is not uncommon for an organization to update or modify their programs and services. At the same time, however, some organizations can be stagnant and need to...