How to Establish & Manage an Advisory Council

by | Oct 1, 2024

If you’ve followed along with Transform Consulting Group (TCG) for a while, then you’ve probably seen us talk about our desire to work with you rather than for you. This is one of our many differentiators. We’re passionate about coming alongside you – our fellow #Transformer – to provide real solutions that will equip you to do your work today and far beyond our engagement.

This means that we alone can’t do all the work, but you can’t do it all either! Collaboration is a pillar of who we are – and one way we bring this to the forefront is through Advisory Councils. 

An Advisory Council is a group of individuals appointed or assembled to provide advice, guidance, and expertise on specific matters to an organization, project, or initiative. An Advisory Council aims to bring external perspectives and insights, complementing the organization’s internal expertise.

Councils can play a crucial role in helping your organization make informed decisions, navigate challenges,  stay abreast of industry trends and best practices, and build buy-in for supporting new changes.

While each advisory council is unique, there are some key characteristics and attributes of advisory councils:

  • Non-Binding Advice: Councils provide advice and recommendations to the organization’s leadership. It is important to note that while the advice carries weight, the Advisory Council does not have decision-making authority.
  • Strategic Guidance: Councils primarily provide strategic guidance, steering clear of day-to-day operational details. 
  • Expertise: Members of an advisory council have knowledge and experience in specific areas relevant to the organization’s goals or challenges.
  • Diversity: Councils are intentionally composed of individuals with diverse backgrounds, skills, and perspectives representative of the community or stakeholders being served by the organization, project, or initiative. This deliberate diversity ensures a comprehensive approach to problem-solving and promotes inclusivity within the council.
  • Temporary Nature: Members are typically assigned term limits, reflecting the council’s adaptability and ability to evolve with the organization’s needs. Once the council fulfills its purpose, it may restructure or disband.
  • Advisory Scope: Councils may advise on various topics, such as business strategy, policy development, research initiatives, community engagement, or other specific areas of expertise.

We have identified five key components to successfully create and manage engaged advisory councils:

Through this work – with several clients – we have organized a process for establishing and managing an Advisory Council that includes 5 stages:

  1. Project Timeline – Keeping in mind the organization, program, or initiative, our team maps out a master project timeline outlining the timeframe and goals to achieve contractual requirements and deliverables.
  2. Asset Creation – Create and assemble documents  (templates, Standard Operating Procedures, and manuals) to ensure the Advisory Council is successful.
  3. Member Selection & Appointment – Decide on and execute a strategy for selecting members. For some advisory councils, members may be appointed. For other advisory councils, there may be a limited number of spots, and potential members “apply” to be selected. It is important to have a structured process for selecting or appointing members, which may include a marketing and outreach plan as well as an applicant scoring process to ensure diverse representation and make final council member selections.
  4. Training & Onboarding – Develop a training and onboarding process that includes both staff from the host organization and advisory council members. For the organization staff, train them on the purpose of the advisory council and opportunities for engagement. For the council members, create an orientation that reviews member expectations and responsibilities and explains the mission and purpose of the organization, program, or initiative.
  5. Council Meetings & Communication – Plan an appropriate meeting cadence and schedule meetings (virtual or in person) with the staff and the Advisory Council to gain invaluable insight through inquiry and feedback sessions. Creating and managing an advisory council is an involved process to do well and get value for both the organization and council members. This is why you may want external “backbone support” to manage the advisory council for you. Transform Consulting Group provides backbone support for our clients in establishing and setting up advisory councils and/ or managing them. You can learn more about the advisory councils we have established and managed in our client stories.

An Advisory Council is a great way to get fresh perspectives and insights into your work! If you need support establishing and managing an advisory council, reach out for a free consultation.

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