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Three Reasons for Sending a Snail Mail Newsletter

Written By Transform Consulting Group

Jul 3, 2013
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Snail MailboxWhen it comes to business newsletters there seems to be a great debate, “Which is better an e-newsletter or a print newsletter?” The answer can depend on the results you are wanting to accomplish.

Non-profit organizations often send out fundraising requests in the form of emails and newsletters. It makes sense that this medium of communication would be used, because it’s virtually free to do so. However, there is the old saying, “you get what you pay for.”

Transform Consulting Group does extensive research and program evaluations for non-profit organizations and has determined that for fundraising efforts, a printed newsletter from a non-profit organization is actually the best way to raise the most funds. Here’s three reasons why:

1. Print Newsletter: Higher Response Rate

E-newsletters are a great way to get news out on a regular basis. When you are looking for “action”, i.e. raising money, you want your readers to respond. When a reader takes the time to hold a piece of paper, read through the interest stories, determine how they can make a difference and then they are holding an envelope to send money in…. It just works. A good direct-mail newsletter can get on average a 3-5% response rate, while an email version would likely get 0.5% response rate.

2. Deliverability: USPS is a Reliable Delivery Method

According to MailerMailer, an email marketing metrics report, in 2012 by industry, non-profit organizations had a 16.1% open rate for e-marketing efforts. Even if that has doubled over the last year, can your organization afford to only have 32% of email recipients read your fundraising newsletter?

3. Too Easy To Delete: It’s Just a Click Away

Email readers often click delete before they even get beyond the subject line. According to the Mail Moment Study by the USPS, 55% of participants “look forward” to discovering the mail that they receive. Even more interesting is 67% of participants feel that mail is more personal than the Internet.

The best practice for a fundraising newsletter is to focus on the reader. It’s making your donor realize that they make a difference. Imagine the impact that a printed, USPS delivered newsletter with great content could have on your non-profit organization and mission. When it comes to fundraising campaigns, the value in a printed newsletter, with a return envelope included, will pay for itself in the funds received.

Transform Consulting Group is not suggesting that you stop sending out electronic communication to your donors and clients.  It is the Information Age after all. Transform Consulting Group sees the value in both – an email and snail mail newsletter/campaign.  A regularly delivered, monthly or even more often, newsletter via email keeps your donors, your clients and your potential donors “in the know.” Using a good email newsletter delivery service that allows customization and has measuring tools for your open rates, click rates and deliverability helps. When it comes to fundraising campaigns, the value in a printed newsletter, with a return envelope included, will pay for itself in the funds received.

To see how your fundraising efforts make a difference for your donors, contact Transform Consulting Group about our fund development services. Our services go well beyond click rates and open rates. Transform Consulting Group helps you make a bigger impact for your cause.


Transform Consulting Group

Transform Consulting Group is a national data-informed consulting firm dedicated to serving nonprofits, educational institutions, government agencies, and philanthropic organizations. Our experienced team offers actionable solutions to complex challenges, empowering clients to harness data for strategic decision-making and enhanced impact. We specialize in areas such as strategic planning, program evaluation, fund development, and leadership development, tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of each client. Our mission is to transform data into a powerful asset that drives meaningful change and fosters organizational sustainability.

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